October News 2011
click on the titles for links to the different areas.
Our Trip to Tikal
Coban Weekend
Prayer Requests
Dia del Muerte Events
This month, we were blessed to be able to see a lot of Guatemala that we would like to share with you. Remember, you can always come and see these places for yourself. It may seem like all we did was travel, but all these trips can each be done in a weekend.
Because of all the rain and the tropical storms coming in from Mexico, Guatemala suffered a lot of landslides and flooding. We were able to work with some parents at our school to help distribute food and supplies to people in the affected areas.
The more we travel and live in other cultures, the more I believe it isn't about the mission trips but the daily life and developing relationships wherever you are that will help you make a difference in people's life and create opportunities for God to change people. I really enjoy people coming and doing outreach work -- I think the people that come are ultimately more changed and blessed than the people that they come to serve and help -- but trips are so fleeting and can't leave as much lasting impact. I know I often think in my mind that there are people "out there" that need help, but in reality, the people "right here" are in need as well.
My biggest prayer for the world today is that we all take the time in our busy lives to look around us and stop to do what we can where we are.
- opportunitites and open hearts to those around us
- for my friend to hear God's voice in her life
- to find the right local church where we can serve and worship
- continued daily safety for us and our students in Guatemala
- God's guidance for our nieces and nephews
Praise Reports
- the opportunity to visit Ecuador again in March and see how work is going there
- witness opportunities with teachers at our school
- continued good health and minimial car troubles