follow God's will for our lives so that we can serve Him in all we do,
go wherever He leads, and share His amazing love with those around us.
to support foreign missions around the world:
Cusco, Peru - Romulo Tupa - Local Missionary; Lima, Peru - Pace family
and their school
2) Guayllabamba, Ecuador - Tulcanza Family - Local Missionary Church
with three outreach locations
3) El Batan Missionary Alliance Church - Ninos de la calle en riesgo
4) Just For Kids Orphanage - Valle de los Chillos, Ecuador
5) Home of Hope - Malawi, Africa, Canadian Missionaries
6) Missionaries and mission trips that God plants in our hearts - Renee
are getting prepared for our mission trip in July to Ecuador. Our plan
is to participate and help with several events at two different
locations. Our main focus will be serving, especially with the Opcion
de Vida program with the children at risk that are living in the
streets. We will be there July 4-11.
have to make the decision about which direction
your life with take with the life God has given you.
You can choose to be in
the world but not of the world
and not let the ways of the world influence your
decisions instead of God.
week it seemed the "tests" were hard
for all. Everyone around us had an abundance of confrontation and
conflict and a
difficult time finding patience, making it hard to live like the
example we want to be. Still, we have to remember
to give thanks and adoration
to God for the good and the bad times and struggles because really we
spiritually and closer to God through our troubles than our successes.
We know that God's plans for us are always going to be better than
ours, but we still get frustrated when we make plans we think are good
and it all seems to fall apart. The important thing to remember is to
not lose faith and continue with what you know to be good and God will
fill in the blanks. If you play the "what if" game, all you'll do is
get more frustrated and depressed and that only gives Satan a foothold
to bring you down more.
Every day we are given here on this earth is another chance to do it
right, so I am thankful that God has seen fit to keep giving me second
chances. I think it is a reminder that He is in charge and to remind us
that He is number one in our lives. I have seen too often what happens
if you put your spouse or children or job in front of God's best
interests for you, and as the saying goes, "Pride comes before the
fall," and the first time you say, "Never, not me," will be the
invitation for Satan to see what he can do. God has promised to never
leave you or forsake you, but like a good parent, He will let you learn
the hard way from your own mistakes.
If you want God to be a part of your life and guide you, you need to
make Him a part of it and get His attention daily; the best way -
prayer and just talking with Him. I heard over and over as a child in
the Catholic church that I was not worthy, but then none of us are
because we are sinners. That doesn't mean that God doesn't want a
personal relationship directly with me. Why would I pray to a saint, or
the Virgin Mary, or a priest -- even though they were chosen or chose
to have a different relationship with God, are still only human like me
---when I can go directly to the source? That's like telling my sister
to ask my dad if he will go to the movies with me; I can ask him myself
a lot easier.
So as we head into spring -- though always summer here! -- try to take
a better than Job attitude that regardless of the situation, you will
praise Him and wait on Him with patience and anticipation of the great
things He has in store for you.
Cathy and Steve
P.S. - sorry for the lack of pictures! We haven't been anywhere lately
due to tightening our finances. I have to wait for the scenes to come
to our neighborhood!
Prayer Requests and
the job
situation for ourselves and others in the same situation
new mission church in Chimburlo that is reaching out to a community
that is ready to listen!
Our mission trip in July for the opportunity to bless and be blessed
sharing God's message
Patience to wait on God's timing
No health issues
Opportunities to share with my students in class about Christ
safety living here in Colombia
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