October News

 click on the titles for links to the different areas.
Photo Gallery
Mission Projects
Prayer Requests
Info. Update

Photo Gallery

Here are a couple photos of the work done this summer in Guayllabamba that we hope
to be able to help them finish on our trip at Christmas time.



   Mission Projects

Opportunities To Participate In Ecuador

As soon as we know definitely how many people are going to be able to participate in the mission trip, we will post a list of items people can donate for the Christmas Program as well as medicines, specific clothing, and other needs.

Listed are the costs and projects we can complete with that donation. Any part of the cost toward any project is greatly appreciated. Whether an individual or small group endeavor, the blessings will come back to you ten fold.


$100                           purchases 25 Spanish hard-cover Bibles with concordances

<>$2,000                        donations needed toward finishing construction of Sunday School
                                  rooms, bathrooms, a small kitchen
$750                           finish apartment for associate pastor to help in the church in  exchange for room & board

$200                           overhead projector

$700                           laptop computer - allows the pastor to get materials from a distance

                                    Bible College to teach classes at his church

$3,000                        purchase reliable transportation for the pastor to travel between

                                   the main church and two mission outreach churches

$80                             printer/copier/scanner

$800                           purchase VHS/DVD/CD copying equipment and a camera for the street

                                    evangelism mission partner we have in Peru

$25                             purchase materials for Christmas bags for  2 street children

$40                             soup kitchen supplies for a month

$80                             paint and supplies to complete the interior of the church

$15                             buys school supplies and backpack for one street child for the year

$25                             buys lunch each day for 10-20 people working on a mission project

$30                             box of overhead transparencies for Sunday services (songs and notes)

$200                           covers the cost of the Christmas program (banners, food, gifts, games)

 $50                             purchases books and materials for a class of adults to do Bible Study

*$40,000                    fulfill the dream of the pastor to purchase the land next to the church to be

                                    able to expand their facilities as money allows

*nothing is impossible with God!

  Prayer Requests

- the group to come together to go to Ecuador that they will follow the call and be abundantly blessed

- new opportunities in Okinawa to reach people for Jesus

- God to direct Steve in a job opportunity

- good school year for all our teachers and students

- pray for Boris and Miquel, two teens that have gotten off of living on the streets, that God will give them opportunities to grow and continue to have a better life

- the church in Cusco, Peru we continue  to help to use what we were able to help them with to grow and reach more people for Christ
- small groups at CMC to come through with the financial support that will only grow God's Kingdom here on earth.

Praise Reports

-  Reports from Cusco show a great opening to the Holy Spirit and searching by many of the
Catholic faith to find more answers.
- the church in Guayllabamba was able to start the construction project with monies we had
been able to save throughout the year from church donations

Information Update

We are incredibly excited to be able to take another group back with us to Ecuador. I know it will be an experience like no other they've ever experienced and the blessings and relationships they form will be for a lifetime.
Continue to pray and see how your family or small group can participate in this mission as we have many projects we would like to get completed.
The harvest is plentiful and we have the workers but the workers need your support!

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